They can also be destructive, particularly if they don't have enough to keep their minds occupied. A Siberian left alone for long periods may EAT THE SOFA or dig a hole through a door to get to the other side.
Yep. Right so far.
The Siberian makes a fine family pet as long as the buyer is patient, has the time to devote to training and EXERCISE, and can deal with a dog that has a mind of its own.
Although they don't bark much, Siberians are vocal - they'll sing along with sirens (or musical instruments) and SCREAM as if being killed if forced to do something they don't want to do. All-breed obedience classes can be a real treat if a Siberian is present: a simple "down" command can bring howls of protest even under the most gentle guidance, and a mild correction for nipping can elicit tortuous shrieks. this is not the breed for the first-time dog owner or someone who is shy or easily embarrassed in public.
Yep. Right again
Few are successful in obedience competition because they are easily bored with repetition and lack precision in their work. They are happy to obey, but only on their own terms.
Funny. Right again.
Along with destructiveness, the Siberian's bad habits include a penchant for wandering, often preceeded by digging of a hole under the fence, and food-stealing.
Digging is a natural with this dog; his forbears dug holes in the snow as nests, and the instinct remains strong. His innate need for exercise and his inherent curiosity often lead him astray. So a STRONG FENCE is necessary to keep him home. PREFERABLY a fence that has been sunk two feet or more in the ground. An electronic or radio frequency fence will probably NOT do the trick.
Nope. Be warned!
To pre-empt food stealing, the Siberian should not be left UNSUPERVISED in the kitchen! Bread and bagels, his favorites.
More playmate than guardian, he is not a watchdog.
Oh brother! I had to laugh hysterically when I read this off the net. They have the Filthy Beast down to a "T"...but more than that, he is a dog that fits right in with this family...he is JUST like the kids. Smart, off on his own track. mellow...BUT...
(From the movie, Father Goose...
Stebbings: SIR! Mother Goose is requesting a chaplain!
Frank Houghton: A chaplain? Good heavens, he's killed her!
Stebbings: No sir, they want to get married!
20080715 - We first took him in to the vet in 1999 for his well-puppy shots. Now he is diagnosed with diabetes and has to get two shots of insulin a day.
He was once a powerhouse - an amazing bundle of energy and a powerful runner. A thing of beauty, every move a sculpture.
He's mellowed with age. Settled down and in. Still escapes every now and then, but less fears of his killing livestock and pets.
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