
Made a small bit of progress this last weekend, finally getting around to clearing out the garden area between the greenhouse and the shed - where everything got dumped last summer, and then became completely overgrown with berry vines and grass and weeds. Another day should completely clear it out - then the objective would be to KEEP it clear.

So far, the area around the deck is staying together, so if I can move that repair effort outward, and keep it up, things should get back to where they were 5 years ago. BEFORE the neglect.

I am also going to buy some pond liner and redo the pond area. Make the pond bigger, all one piece. Pond liner is between $300 and $500 for a 20x25 piece (45 mil) EPDM.

I'll deal with a pump later.


The Getty

This weekend Arny visited on his way back from San Diego. He's flying out of SF today to Tibet where he's completing his senior field research on Tibetan education. I took him to the Getty, a museum near campus with really beautiful architecture & gardens. The pic above is a view of the garden area from above.
Below is a picture of these tree-like structures they've created out of rebar that are covered with these flowers. They had a couple with multicolored flowers like this, and some with only red.

The museum is up on a hill on the edge of LA looking out over the entire city. Unfortunately we were there on a foggy day but when it's sunny and clear you can see all the way to Ocean. If you come down and visit it's definitely one of the places I'd take you.

I'm done with finals and looking forward to two weeks of freedom before fall quarter starts. Hope all is well at home.
With Love,