Never seen anything like it. Black swarms, like passenger pigeons, all hanging out at dusk above the vegetation, hovering alongside the eaves, getting in the house (down the chimney we think, started burning citronella candles in the fireplace 24/7) The whole town is affected.
Have fish and mosquito dunk in all the ponds in the neighborhood, and we all know it isn't us since the problem extends for miles around us. The odd thing is - West Nile Virus was the HOT TOPIC for the last few years running, with all kinds of alerts and warnings, and this year, nothing, and it is the worst year for mosquitoes in history.
My observation, having been up for hours killing mosquitoes in the house at night - they hunt in pairs. It's eerie.
☛ Mosquito Sources in your Backyard
☛ Are You a Mosquito Magnet?
☛ West Nile Virus Basics
☛ Vaccines of the Future Could be Delivered by Mosquitoes
☛ link