
A plain black artist's sketchbook became three. The first one is falling apart now, and in case it cannot be rebound, I'm transferring the pages to this digital online format. Which will last longer? Be interesting to see.

Getting started - The original goal - improve curb appeal for the neighbor's sake. Create a livable environment in the backyard.

Inhibitors - Fear. Landscape design is a whole 'nuther discipline, involving knowledge and complexities - what blooms when? combining foliage and textures and structures, etc. Lack of attachment - we never planted any flowers at our previous residence because 'we'd only be there for a short time.'

Plan of attack
- I call it landscaping as opposed to gardening because I only plan to do it once... plant it and move on to the next thing, not come back and weed and tend. Plants have to be hardy or perish. NO babying.

Results - Pretty good. Feel more grounded here, it did evolve into gardening in a way. It is a life-changing process. The kids say "Never sell this house."